Select Sandwich recently announced its acquisition of two new locations in competitive markets for potential franchisees.

The Select Sandwich Company, started by President Brian Kahn in 1979, has grown into one of the largest catering networks in the greater Toronto area. Select Sandwich franchisees are able to offer customers a wide variety of foods, including soups, hot options and customer-created salads, which provides a unique competitive edge.
The available Mississauga location is conveniently located among busy offices and heavily populated residential areas. This high-traffic setting encourages quick turnaround and provides a stream of potential customers. Select Sandwiches is reportedly looking for a highly motivated and business-oriented franchisee for this site.
Located in the center of bustling downtown Toronto, the second available spot is surrounded by commercial office and government spaces, medical centers, a university and condominium developments. In addition to offering a high percentage of pedestrian traffic on a daily basis, this franchise slot is prime for the catering aspect of the Select Sandwich business due to its physical location.
Potential franchisees interested in the Mississauga or downtown location should contact Select Sandwich immediately for further information. Given the prime nature of these spots, competition may be fierce.