Franchise Articles

Apr 21, 2009

Tips on Buying a Franchise in Canada

Unsinkable luxury liners aren’t supposed to hit icebergs on their maiden voyages, let alone plummet to the bottom of the Atlantic.  Yet, notwithstanding watertight compartments and thick steel...
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Mar 26, 2009

Understand Financial Statements

There is a perception that financial statements are complex and can only be interpreted by professional accountants.  On the contrary, once you become familiar with the overall concepts and the...
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Dec 2, 2008

Get in on the Ground Floor!

A new franchisor presents you with some opportunities. You’ll receive:- greater selection of locations; possibly a lower initial cost; special grants or terms. Yes – this can all be...
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Oct 22, 2008

Sources of Financing

The source of financing depends in part on the size of the business being purchased. The majority of smaller and medium sized businesses are purchased with a significant portion of the purchase price...
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Sep 22, 2008

In Franchising, Your Life is the Key!

Usually franchise writers stress steps you should follow in choosing a franchise business. These are important. However, I think we're missing one very important ingredient. Before you choose your...
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Aug 1, 2008

How Much Money Can I Make

Without a doubt, this is one of the questions most asked by individuals looking at buying a business – franchise or otherwise. The other, of course, is "How much will it cost? – What must I invest?"...
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Jul 7, 2008

Choosing the Right Lease Term (Length)

This is one of those subjects that cause a lot of lightbulbs to go on in the minds of tenants attending my seminars. Perhaps it’s because a five or ten-year lease Term has become such a norm in...
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Jun 23, 2008

How to Purchase a Franchise

Never have so few owed so much to so many! Sure this is a variation on an old cliché but you can use it as your theme song as you investigate buying a franchise business. To do so successfully...
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May 15, 2008

Questions that Need to be Asked

When one is looking at a franchise it is important that one do the research so that they know what they are getting into. A little homework at the beginning will avoid surprises down the road. You...
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Apr 14, 2008

Successful Site Selection

The number one reason for business failure or negative performance is a poor location. A poor location ultimately results from poor site selection. Consider that identical stores from the same chain...
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